In order the better to comprehend the deep and vital truths contained inthis Message, you are urged to approach each reading of it with quiet andopen mind. Still the intellect and invite your Soul to do the teaching. Readbut a sentence at a time, and do not pass to the next until Something withinyou responds to the truth therein, and clearly points out the meaning for you.More than all, try to realize that the “I” speaking throughout the Messageis the Spirit within, your own Soul, the Impersonal Self, the Real You; thesame Self that in other moments of quiet points out to you your mistakes,your follies, your weaknesses, and is ever chiding and aiding you to live upto Its ideals, which It continually holds before your mental gaze.It was to such a quiet mind as this that this Message came during monthsfilled with an intense yearning for the guidance of the Spirit and anopportunity to serve the Loving Father Who had been found to be ever-present and always ready to bless those of His children who loved Himenough to make Him first in their hearts and lives.The help and guidance thus received is passed on to you, for the wiseand loving teaching is so unusual and so wholly Impersonal that it will applyequally well to everyone who is ready to receive it.The great blessing of the Message is that, if you are ready, the “I”speaking herein will continue to speak direct to you from out your ownheart, after you lay aside the book, and in so intimate and convincing a waythat It will make clear all your problems, be to you a fount of Wisdom andStrength, and bring you Peace, Health, Happiness, Freedom,-anabundance of everything your heart desires.This little book, therefore, is intended to serve as a channel or open door through which you may enter into the Joy of your Lord, the Comforter promised by Jesus, the living expression
you of the Christ of God.3